About The Owner


Who is Dustin prievo…

Dustin is a dedicated outdoorsman. He is a published author in multiple outdoor magazines and digital platforms including North American Whitetail, Whitetail Journal, Bowhunting World Magazine, Grand View Media, Wide Open Spaces, Drury Outdoor’s DeerCast and more. He is a Level II QDMA Deer Steward Graduate and is a very big advocate of Quality Deer Management.

Dustin is also a career firefighter on Truck 23 in Baltimore City. His time off is dedicated to his family and growing his businesses, both as an outdoor writer, land and property manager, Wedding DJ and videographer.

Dustin has been hunting for over 25 years and after reading a book from the late Charlie Alsheimer, Dustin has since had a passion to grow and manage whitetails. What started as hunting and challenging himself to pursue the majestic whitetail deer, quickly grew into providing quality deer management for land owners as well as stewardship to the land to provide a habitat for all of wildlife. In an industry where most hunters are focused on TROPHY HUNTING, Dustin found a problem and created a solution.

The first farm he hunted in Maryland he found the farmer was losing a great deal of crops due to the abundance of deer and lack of natural habitat that would normally provide as a main source of forage for deer. His approach became a strategic method to regulate the deer herd through proper management and increase other natural food source . This in turn lowered her stress, decreased risks for diseases and helped the farmer with a reduction in crop damage. He found that creating a balance in nature as a priority ultimately lead to a circle of satisfied culprits. The hunters, the farmer, the land owner and the wildlife.